星期二, 3月 06, 2018

How do you define a MQ trigger monitor service?

How do you define a MQ trigger monitor service?

The following MQSC command defines a trigger monitor service called INIT. It is used to trigger the start of an application to get a message from a queue. WMQ is installed in the default location of "C:\Program Files\Websphere MQ". The name of the initiation queue is "MY.INITQ".
You can add a description [DESCR] within single quotes if you want. 'tm_out' and 'tm_err' define the name of output an error date for this service respectively. These files can be deleted if you feel they have become to large. They will be recreated if needed. The definitions that begin and end with '+' are place holders.
Refer to DEFINE SERVICE for more information on defining a service.
Note: (a) Only customize items in BOLD ITALICS for your environment.
(b) You may customize the STDOUT and STDERR filename and path.
1 - Modify the command for your environment.
2 - Open a command prompt, type: RUNMQSC [Your_Queue_Manager_Name].
3 - Copy and Paste the modified command into the RUNMQSC window press .
DESCR(' ') +
STARTCMD('+MQ_INSTALL_PATH+bin64\runmqtrm') +
STOPCMD('+MQ_INSTALL_PATH+bin64\amqsstop') +
STDOUT('C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\errors\tm_out') +
STDERR('C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\errors\tm_err') +
4 - Type "END" and press .
NOTE: This information was originally in technote #1284004

technote #1284004
Basic process triggering using runmqtrm defined as a service in WebSphere MQ 7.5 and 8.0
