星期三, 12月 05, 2018

How to change the MQ qmgr error log file permission to allow user not in mqm group could access it

If you would like to allow user in non mqm user group to access the qmgr error log, you may try to modify the file and directory permission for the non mqm user group. However you will find after qmgr updating the content of the qmgr error log or qmgr restart, the qmgr sets all the files and folder permission back to the default setting. The non mqm user can’t access the error log again. To solve this issue, you need to use the following parameter in the qm.ini file.


This setting will cause the queue manager to leave the permissions on the error log files unaltered.

IT09572: ValidateAuth=No does not maintain file permissions on queue manager error logs

星期一, 10月 01, 2018

passing an argument to mq process script

How to pass an argument to mq process script (or run it background in unix)

If we would like define a process which invokes the "luke.sh" script
and would like also passes the argument "lightsaber" to luke.

=== process definition ===
       DESCR ('MQ test process script') +
       APPLICID('/tmp/luke.sh') +
       USERDATA(' ') +
=== process definition ===

You must put the argument in the 'ENVRDATA' but not 'USERDATA'.

*** tip:
You can also put "&" in the ENVRDATA for the UNIX script running in the background.


****On UNIX systems, ENVRDATA can be set to the ampersand character (&) to make the 
    started application run in the background.

星期四, 9月 06, 2018

OpenSSL commands to check and verify your SSL certificate, key and CSR


It can be useful to check a certificate and key before applying them to your server. The following commands help verify the certificate, key, and CSR (Certificate Signing Request).

(1)Check a certificate
Check a certificate and return information about it (signing authority, expiration date, etc.):

#openssl x509 -in server.crt -text -noout

(2)Check a key
Check the SSL key and verify the consistency:
#openssl rsa -in server.key -check

(3)Check a CSR
Verify the CSR and print CSR data filled in when generating the CSR:
#openssl req -text -noout -verify -in server.csr

(4)Verify a certificate and key matches
These two commands print out md5 checksums of the certificate and key; the checksums can be compared to verify that the certificate and key match.
#openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in server.crt| openssl md5
#openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in server.key| openssl md5

For the WAS or MQ, you can also use the keytool which under the jre/bin folder

#keytool -printcertreq -file your_req_file
#keytool -printcert -file your_cert_file

For Windows Platform, you can use certutil command (built-in) to review the file.
certutil -dump <file>

*** the MQ gskit command (runmqckm) can not do this job.

星期二, 8月 07, 2018

Removing a qmgr from a cluster


Perform the following tasks at the TORONTO queue manager:

1. Modify the full repository queue manager REPOS and
REPOSNL attributes
If your queue manager is a full repository queue manager, before you can remove
it from a cluster, perform the additional step of altering the queue manager
definition to set the REPOS and REPOSNL attributes to blank. This sends a
notification to other queue managers advising them that they must stop sending
cluster information to this queue manager.

2. Check that the REPOS and REPOSNL changes have been
Check that the changes you made in the previous step have been propagated
around the cluster by issuing the following command on a remaining full


and check that it shows that the queue manager is no longer a full repository. The
output should match the following:
AMQ8441:  Display  Cluster  Queue  Manager  details.

3. Suspend queue manager TORONTO
Issue the SUSPEND QMGR command to suspend availability of the queue
manager to the INVENTORY cluster:
When you issue this command, other queue managers are advised that they
should refrain from sending messages to TORONTO.

4. Check that queue manager TORONTO has been suspended
Check that TORONTO has been suspended before moving on to the next step by
issuing the following command on a full repository:
and check that it shows that the queue manager is suspended. The output should
match the following:
Removing a queue manager
114    Queue Manager ClustersAMQ8441:  Display  Cluster  Queue  Manager  details.

5. Remove the CLUSRCVR channel definition
Remove the CLUSRCVR definition from the cluster:
This command causes the full repository queue managers to remove all
information about that channel from their full repositories, so that queue managers
will no longer try to send messages to it. You can verify that this command has
been successfully propagated by issuing the following command on the full
You should receive a message like that below:
AMQ8147:  WebSphere  MQ  object  TORONTO  not  found

6. Stop the CLUSRCVR channel at TORONTO
Note:  Before performing this step, ensure that any bound messages have arrived
on TORONTO, otherwise these messages will become stuck on the sending
queue manager’s cluster transmit queue.
Issue the STOP CHANNEL command to stop the cluster-receiver channel:
Once the channel is stopped, no more messages can be sent to TORONTO.
Later, to tidy up, you will probably want to delete the channel:
Note:  At this point the TORONTO queue manager is no longer a valid destination
in the cluster, but there may be messages bound to TORONTO (messages
put using BIND_ON_OPEN) still being sent from other queue managers in
the cluster.

7. Delete the CLUSSDR channel definition
Note:  Do not attempt this step before completing all previous steps in this task.
The CLUSSDR channel definition points to the full repository at queue manager
NEWYORK. Stop this channel as follows:
and then delete it:

8. Issue the REFRESH CLUSTER command
Issue the REFRESH CLUSTER command to remove any auto-defined cluster

The queue manager TORONTO is no longer part of the cluster. However, it can
still function as an independent queue manager.

Queue Manager Clusters

星期五, 7月 13, 2018

In IBM WebSphere MQ, can you disable TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 SSL ciphers / protocols?

In IBM WebSphere MQ, can you disable TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 SSL ciphers / protocols?


In IBM WebSphere MQ, can you disable TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 SSL ciphers / protocols?

060000U9C8 gravatar image
Question by MCregge  (3351) | Sep 10, 2015 at 06:54 AMMQSSLTLSCIPHERSTLSV1.1TLSV1.0
In IBM WebSphere MQ, can you disable TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 SSL ciphers / protocols?
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3 answers

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060000U9C8 gravatar image
Accepted answer
Answer by MCregge (3351
As you probably know, the latest updates to MQ are deprecating (disabling) the use of SSLv3 ciphers (and some "weak" TLS ciphers) due to known security vulnerabilities. Several customers have asked about disabling TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 ciphers also.

*There is a new APAR which allows disabling TLSv1.0 ciphers at the listener level in the latest maintenance releases of MQ v8 and v9. This is enabled via a qm.ini setting, see:
  1. SSL:
  2. AllowTLSV1=NO

Before that APAR, TLSv1 could not be disabled at the listener level, but you could still configure MQ to only allow channel communications on certain ciphers.
The simplest way to disable TLSv1.0 & TLSv1.1 protocols would be to set a TLSv1.2 cipherspec in the channel definition. The queue manager will only allow that cipherspec to be used which was configured on the channel; thus if you configure your channels with TLSv1.2 ciphers, that would mean that TLSv1.0 & TLSv1.1 protocols being disabled.
There is another way to disable TLSv1.0 protocol which is by enabling Suite B mode. The GSKit docs state that Suite B will disable all protocols except TLSv1.2. Information on Suite B implementation is here:
The configuration of Suite B mode is given in the following link:
To have a look at the list of cipherspecs and the corresponding protocols used by them, follow the below link:
Update: MQ/SSL connections can not disabled at MQ listener level, the options noted above cause the MQ channel to fail to start unless using an adequate cipher, but they do not disable the MQ listener process from initially receiving the TLSv1.0 session.
I hope this helps. Please add comments or info.

Related info:
Deprecation: SSLv3 protocol ( MQ v7.0.1.13, v7.1.0.7, v7.5.0.5, v8.0.0.2 )
Deprecation: Weak Ciphers deprecated ( MQ v7.0.1.13, v7.1.0.7, v7.5.0.6, v8.0,0.3 )
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270000RTS4 gravatar image
Answer by CarlosBarros (1
We have some problems regarding the suggestions.
Set a TLSv1.2 cipherspec in the channel definition doesn't mean the TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 will be disable. We did the test and they are enable.
Set SUITEB on queue manager will force the ciphers TLS 1.2 with elliptic curve. Unfortunately, ciphers with elliptic curve are vulnerable too. http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21688949
Do we have any other option to disable the TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1?
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060000U9C8 gravatar image
Answer by MCregge (3351
Before APAR IT23235 (noted above), by default MQ would accept the TLS 1.0 connection and then disconnect it if it requests a channel that requires TLS 1.2.
There was no way to disable TLS 1.0/1.1 completely short off the SUITEB setting noted above..
If there is a need to fully disable TLS 1.0/1.1 the recommendation is to create an Enhancement requests at the following website:
Select 'IBM MQ', then can search or submit new requests.
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星期四, 7月 12, 2018

How to list defects with special key work from the fix list using Linux command

lynx -nonumbers -dump http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27043086|grep -E 'memory leak|Fix Pack'|grep -B1 'memory leak'|perl -ne 's/^\s+//;print'|grep -v "\-"

-nonumbers : 去掉行數
-width         : output 的欄位長度, 預設為80, 因此可看見最後一個fix 顯示有問題, 加長後解決
-dump         : 直接純文字輸出到螢幕

-n                :按行讀取
-e                :執行右邊的命令

未加 -width

lynx -nonumbers -width=120 -dump http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27043086|grep -E 'memory leak|Fix Pack'|grep -B1 'memory leak'|perl -ne 's/^\s+//;print'|grep -v "\-"|grep -E ' memory leak|Fix Pack'


星期四, 6月 28, 2018

regular expression to hide the lines having string in glogg (like grep -v)

Glogg is a good tool to view a large log file.
I try to exclude some lines just like the command "grep -v" and found the solution from the forum.

This solution is from the goggle glogg forum.


Original question:

Hi Guys 

I use your application alot to scroll through massive logs we have on 
our web application. I wish you could add a feature where you can 
quickly hide lines not matching the Filters so you can quickly see 
what you need to see without having to scroll huge number of lines. 

Another essential feature missing is that glogg is not showing Lines 
numbers. Please consider adding these features. Thanks


Overly simplified explanation:

^ beginning of line
! negates the search
? look ahead for STRING1 or STRING2
. matches everything
* matches zero or more of them on the same line
$ end of line
( and ) groups items

So this matches every line that does not have STRING1 and every line that does not have STRING2.  You can add as many strings, using regular expressions, or course, as you like.  I use this to find things I don't expect to find in our syslogs.

glogg - the fast, smart log explorer

***在grep 中可以用-P 選項(Perl RE)來測試 (亦可用notepad++或其他有支援RE的編輯器)

(?=)和(?!)並不會收納在match group中, 可見下面詳細說明。

正規表示式 Regular Expression

lookahead, lookbehind
RegExp 應用: lookahead , lookbehind

正規表示法一直都是我很推大家學習的東西,在字串處理上真的有很大很大的幫助以及好處,前幾天朋友工作上需要用到正規表示法處理字串,目的是:「在一個字串中找出連續數字 6~8 個」,這邊要注意的是,連續九個的話是不要的。

例如: 12345 XD Hi12345678ab666666cd987654321

要找出: 12345678 和 666666;但不可以找出 987654321 中的 98765432 或者 87654321

於是我第一個想到的東西就是 Lookahead 和 lookbehind。

先來看一下如果直接使用 \d{6,8} 會取出什麼:Visual Regex Tester
可以看到,直接使用 \d{6,8} 是會連後方的 987654321 取出來。

最後我給的的解法是:(?<!\d)\d{6,8}(?!\d),結果:Visual Regex Tester

重點就在前面的 (?<!\d) 和後面的 (?!\d) 這兩個表示法,他們分別代表的是
negative lookbehindnegative lookahead

先來看 lookahead , 意思是「往前看」,語法為:
Positive lookahead : X(?=Y)
Negative lookahead : X(?!Y)
解釋為: 我要找 X 而其後方必須/不可為 Y ;而其中 X 和 Y 都可以是一個合法的表達式。

這邊要注意的是,要找的是 X , Y 只是附註條件,並不會被收納在 match group 中

實際例子: \d(?=[AB]) ,我要找一個數字,且後方必須是 A 或 B

因此這個字串:123A4C5B67 中,符合的只有 3 和 5;要注意,不是 3A 和 5B,是 3 和 5
結果:Visual Regex Tester

同樣的字串,若將 Pattern 改為:\d(?![AB]),則代表要找一個數字,且後方不能跟著A或B。如此一來符合的就是:123A4C5B67 中的: 1,2,4,6,7
結果:Visual Regex Tester

簡單來說可以想像類似於正規表示法中的 if 判斷,可以多多善用這個表示法。

接著來看 lookbehind ,這邊要注意的是,並非所有程式語言都支援 lookbehind,我自己目前常用的程式語言中,似乎也只有 java 支援。(javascript 是不支援的喔)

lookbehind 就是向後看,同樣也分為 positive 和 negative:
Positive lookbehind : (?<=Y)X
Negative lookbehind: (?<!Y)X
※ 注意,條件是放在 X 之前

同樣舉實際例子:(?<=[OP]).,要找任何一個字,且前方必須是O或P。或也可以這樣來稱呼:「尋找接在 O 或 P 後面的一個文字」

結果:Visual Regex Tester

Negtive 就不多舉例,能理解就好。


先將其拆為:(?<!\d) \d{6,8} (?!\d) 三段,很快就可以看出,要找的東西是「6~8 個連續數字」,但是「前面不能有數字(Negative lookbehind)」以及「後面不能跟著數字(Negative lookahead)」。

由於 {6,8} 是 Greedy ,會盡量多取,因此就可以限制找到的數字數量是在 6~8 ,並且排除連續 9 個(以上)數字的部分了。

星期四, 6月 14, 2018

Fail to connect to qmgr with 2035 error

WMQ 7.1 / 7.5 / 8.0 / 9.0 queue manager RC 2035 MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED or AMQ4036 or JMSWMQ2013 when using client connection as an MQ Administrator

AMQ5540, AMQ5541 and AMQ5542, application did not supply a user ID and password, 2035 MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED

星期五, 6月 08, 2018

星期三, 5月 30, 2018

extract line number between n1 and n2 from a text file


awk '{if ((NR > n1) && (NR < n2)) print $0}' text_file_name


perl -ne 'print n1..n2' text_file_name