星期三, 8月 12, 2020


  • 材料﹕
    • 白米一杯
    • 香菇 2 ~3 朵
    • 青蔥 - 切蔥花(綠色)和小段(白色)
    • 豬肉少許切絲

  •  作法﹕
    • 1. 白米一杯加入7杯水(量米杯), 加入鍋中煮, 要攪拌避免白米在鍋底燒焦
    • 2. 香菇
      • 泡水15分鐘至軟
      • 擠乾水
      • 加少許塩
      • 切細絲
    • 3. 爆香:
      • 先放入油
      • 加入香菇
      • 加入白色小段蔥
      • 將香菇和蔥放鍋邊
      • 再加入肉絲, 炒至變白色
      • 加入醬油
      • 全部一起拌炒
      • 加入少許水炒均勻
    • 4. 將爆香完的料加入白飯中, 一起煮, 約25分左右
    • 5. 上桌前2分鐘加入蔥花後,即可完成

星期二, 2月 11, 2020

how to make such video

Now, I get it!!  



how to make it:

IBM Cloud
6 個月前
Since the launch of the New Builders light board video series, we've received a lot of questions about exactly how we did it.

We decided to pull back the curtain and answer your questions about this successful series.

1. No, the speaker doesn’t write backwards. We flip the video horizontally in post-production.(see the photo of our set below)

2. No, there are no mirrors involved - it does look backwards, but ... (see #1)

3. We just use standard fluorescent markers. No lasers or light-up pens, sorry.

4. The light comes from LEDs in a strip around the edge of the glass within the frame.

Below is a behind-the-scenes photo of one of our speakers, Sai Vennam, on set in our  Austin, TX studio. 

We hope this answers your questions. If you have more, please comment below.

To check out the entire New Builders video playlist, visit: https://ibm.co/2Z5XKLb